Zero Waste Living

How to Create a Zero-Waste Method

30 Awesome Zero Waste Living Tips ( No. 21 Is Exceptional)

Zero-Waste Living is a lifestyle program aimed at reducing household waste to help limit personal environmental impact. 

Zero-Waste Living Expensive

Is Zero-Waste Living Expensive?( My Budget Breakdown )

Many people shy away from Zero-Waste Living because they think it will cost them more than they currently spend on household products and services. 

How Do You Reduce Waste When Sewing?

How Do You Reduce Waste When Sewing?

It’s a skill that everyone can benefit from learning. But to maneuver in sewing projects, you need a heap of materials that results in waste.

Are Cloth Diapers Worth It?

Are Cloth Diapers Worth It?

You’ll want to be particularly discerning when it comes to products designed for your children, which is understandable. 

How to Minimize Fabric Wastage during Cutting

How to Minimize Fabric Wastage during Cutting

Seeing as how the price of everything is increasing at an expedient rate, minimizing fabric waste is imperative. 

Can Shredded Paper Go in Yard Waste?

Can Shredded Paper Go in Yard Waste?

We recycle paper all the time, but what are we supposed to do with paper that we have shredded? For the longest time it has been recommended to put shredded paper into a plastic bag and place it in the recycling bin like normal.  However, that isn’t what is recommended anymore. Paper mills have made…

Zero Waste Agriculture

What is Zero Waste Agriculture?

Well, zero waste agriculture is a unique method of farming.  It involves growing crops and rearing animals that increase the usage of natural resources.  These resources may include algae, bacteria, plants, and other micro-organisms and can help produce various types of food. It’s an increasingly popular concept around the globe.  We all know that the…

Zero Waste vs. Low Impact

Zero Waste vs. Low Impact: What’s the Difference?

It’s been two years since I started my zero waste journey. When I hear people using the terms ‘Zero Waste’ and ‘Low Impact’ movement a lot these days, what comes to my mind is – that’s my ultimate goal.  Both low impact and zero waste are responsible for a healthy environment.  Each aims to reduce…

Zero Waste Vs Recycling

Zero Waste Vs Recycling ( What Are The Differences)

The world is tired of waste. On average, a human being produces more than 1.63 pounds or 0.74 kg of wastes per day, tipping the global scale at 2.01 billion tons annually.  This is way more than our precious earth can hold. In the quest for finding a viable and lasting waste management solution, two…

Is Zero Waste Design Possible?

Is Zero Waste Design Possible?

Zero Waste design is gradually shifting base toward the design industry.  Let’s check out what zero waste is all about and how it influences the fashion industry.  All About Zero Waste Design By nature, fashion is accompanied by change and innovation.   But, this sector has been really lagging behind when it comes to implementing zero-waste…