How to Recycle Calculators – Here is the 5 ways

  • By: greenorb
  • Date: June 6, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Have your calculators outlived their usefulness, and you now want to dispose of them properly?

Like other electronics, calculators are recyclable. So, if you have some lying around but aren’t sure what to do with them, now is the best time to recycle them. 

In terms of ecological impact, reducing the consumption of calculators or reusing those you already have is better recycling. 

In this article, I will talk about the recyclability of calculators and ways to recycle them.

Is Calculator E-Waste?

Calculators are part of e-waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, e-waste (also electronic waste or e-scrap) refers to electronics that have outlived their usefulness and must be disposed of through donation, recycling, etc. 

Computers, printers, LED bulbs, fridges, etc. constitute e-waste. So, if your calculator is no longer useful, the best way to eliminate it is by discarding it. 

If you can refurbish or reuse it, it would be better because those are great ways to reduce the waste in landfills or dumpsites. 

5 Ways You Can Recycle Calculators

There are numerous reasons why you might consider recycling instead of reusing your old calculators. 

For example, sometimes, you may have unfortunate bad luck experiences that cause multiple motherboards to die spontaneously. 

Here is another scenario, you have calculators that technically still work, but you are at a point where no one, not even your weird uncle who keeps faulty gadgets, is willing to use them. 

So, if you choose the recycling route, here’s how to do it:

  • Talk to a recycling center.

Gather all your old or faulty calculators and any other electronics sitting idle in your house. Next, contact your local recycling center to have them remove the burden off your shoulders. 

If there’s no recycler in your hood, the best alternative is to search Google or your social media for programs and sites that offer these services. 

Think about free online directories, like Earth911, that list thousands of free e-waste recyclers across North America. 

A while ago, when I was disposing of my inkjet printers and CRT monitors, I just searched Google for “recycling centers Massachusetts,” and I was able to find tens of companies, most of which showed me where to drop my gadgets. 

  • Talk to a local retailer.

Recycling opportunities are closer to you than you think. 

Think about the big stores where you get your electronics. Most of these stores have recycling programs. Some are expensive, others free, but most of them will accept your calculators at an affordable price. 

If you’re not sure where to take your calculators for recycling or can’t find a recycling facility in your area, start by Googling “e-waste recycling near me” or “retail stores that recycle e-waste .”You’ll find many organizations, including schools and churches, looking for old calculators in your area. 

Also, remember to take advantage of e-waste events whenever they happen near you. 

Why Should You Recycle Calculators

Why Should You Recycle Calculators

UNEP reports that the world’s e-waste production stands at approximately 50 million tons. Simply put, e-waste weighs more than all airliners. 

Unfortunately, only a small percentage of this waste is recycled. If you can, seize the opportunity and help the environment by recycling your calculators. 

So, whether you are being rewarded for recycling or not, there are numerous advantages of e-waste recycling. 

  • Conserve resources

Recycling gives manufacturers raw materials which they repurpose into other useful products. 

They don’t need to produce new raw materials from the earth because they already have some that they can reuse. 

The good thing with calculators is they are made of plastic, an inexhaustible material.

  • Environmental Protection

Recycling old calculators and other e-wastes means a lot for the environment. 

First, you avert the risk of cadmium, lead, and other toxic substances that calculators contain. Secondly, recycling is a responsible manner of waste disposal. 

  • Boosts the Economy

E-waste recycling creates jobs for recyclers. More importantly, it creates a secondary market for recycled products. 

So, recycling is always a win-win affair for all of us. 

Other Ways to Dispose Of Calculators

Other Ways to Dispose Of Calculators

Given the few e-waste recycling options available, it is helpful to look for other alternatives such as: 

  • BuyBack Programs

Do a “sell your calculator” Google search and tell me what you’ll find. There are thousands of sites willing to give you cash for old calculators. 

This is a wonderful idea, especially if you’re a student who has completed school and wants to recover some of your expenses. You need to visit the site and find out whether they accept the kind of calculator you have. 

The site will verify the information and advise you on the next steps, including how to receive your funds.

  • Sell On E-Commerce Sites

Selling sites such as eBay and Craigslist offer buyers and sellers a platform for buying and selling virtually all products. 

They are frequented by people who genuinely want to purchase or sell stuff. If you opt for this option, remember to stay competitive because you are not the only seller there. 

For example, working on your pricing can help you to attract customers. Calculator features are also of utmost importance. 

  • Donate

If the calculator is functional, you may use it for a charitable contribution. Check whether your school has a program for helping needy students. Another alternative is the church, goodwill foundations, and charity organizations. 

Although donating doesn’t put money in your pocket, it is rewarding because you feel good knowing you have helped someone in need. 

Final Thought

Recycling calculators and other e-wastes is a great first step towards helping yourself and the world. 

It even has positive effects on the economy because many jobs are created, and we get a secondary market for recycled commodities. 

Generally, recycling continues to open up endless opportunities for consumers and recyclers. 

Suppose you are not in a position to recycle your calculators. 

In that case, you have other e-waste disposal methods available for you, such as reusing, donating, and selling them to buyback sites. No matter the method you choose, just ensure that it can help the environment.

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