
Can Staples Be Recycled?

Can Staples Be Recycled?

When you’re recycling papers or documents with staples, you don’t have to worry about removing the staple first. This is because staples are recyclable. 

Can Toothpaste Tubes be Recycled?

Can Toothpaste Tubes be Recycled?

Most toothpaste tubes are made of multiple materials, which can’t be processed successfully at recycling plants.

Can sticky notes be recycled?

Can sticky notes be recycled?

The sticky note is not the same as a diary or photo book. You don’t save it for years and then look back on it afterward. 

Can You Recycle Your Beauty Blender?

Can You Recycle Your Beauty Blender?

If you’re wondering “is beauty blender recyclable?”, the good news is that yes, it is! Here’s three ways you can recycle your beauty blender:

​​Is Laminated Paper Recyclable?

​​Is Laminated Paper Recyclable?

When we laminate, we sandwich paper between two layers of plastic, which eventually lengthens the life and protects the document from damage. 

Is Foam Board Recyclable?

Is Foam Board Recyclable?

A while ago I had lots of foam board to waste after a certain science project. 

Are Disposable Piping Bags Recyclable?

Are Disposable Piping Bags Recyclable?

Depending on the decorative effect you want, you can always modify the tip or even switch between tips. 

Are Disposable Gloves Recyclable?

Are Disposable Gloves Recyclable?

If your gloves are disposable, it means that they are supposed to be used only once and that’s it. 

Are Disposable Flossers Recyclable?

Are Disposable Flossers Recyclable?

Do you care about the health of the environment? And, how recyclable are disposable flossers? Let’s sink our teeth deep into this discussion.

Are PUR Filters Recyclable?

Did you know PUR filters can be recycled? One question we get asked so often is: how can I recycle my PUR filters, and can I? The answer is, yes you can.