Is OxiClean Biodegradable?

  • By: greenorb
  • Date: November 19, 2021
  • Time to read: 4 min.

I use Oxiclean to clean my favorite work shirts, and it never disappoints. 

OxiClean is the most popular brand of oxygen cleaner that is made for challenges. 

In conjunction with regular detergents, OxiClean works the best as a stain and spot remover.

Through its website, OxiClean promises to offer environmentally-safe products. 

Is this claim really true? This raises the question, “is OxiClean biodegradable?” Today our article will shed some light on OxiClean and its properties. 

What is OxiClean Made Of?

With OxiClean products, it’s easier to remove organic and inorganic stains such as ink (computer printer ink and pen ink) and similar mishaps.

The chemistry of OxiClean is somehow interesting, with it using some ingredients to make new products. 

According to its website, the product’s main ingredients include;

  • Sodium carbonate
  • Sodium percarbonate
  • Surfactants 
  • Polymer

If you carefully look at the listed oxygen bleach products, you’ll notice there’s nothing new. 

They’re actually common and familiar ingredients.

  • 55 to 65% consist of sodium carbonate
  • 30 to 40% is sodium percarbonate (sodium peroxyhydrate)
  • 2 to 4% comprised of surfactants (ethoxylated alcohol C12-C16 )and polymer

For us to understand OxiClean’s ingredients much easier, we need to learn separately. 

Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3)

Also known as washing soda, sodium carbonate is mined from the ashes of plants. 

Apart from it being a salt-based product, this element is a much safer eco-alternative.

Sodium Carbonate acts as a water softener by preventing scum buildup that results from hard water minerals. 

Besides, it minimizes the amount of soap or detergent used.

The fact that it’s a naturally occurring mineral means it’s environmentally friendly. 

Sodium percarbonate

It’s an eco-friendly chemical that OxiClean makes by combining sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide. 

Keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide is neither a neurotoxin nor carcinogenic. It’s non-toxic.

But Sodium percarbonate causes acute toxicity to land creatures, including fish and crustaceans. So, it can irritate your skin, eyes, nose, and throat.


In simple words, surfactants are just detergents. 

The surfactants that OxiClean uses are ion-neutral and low-sudsing so that dirt is quickly whisked away once the other ingredients loosen it. 


These are large molecules – either natural or synthetic. 

Polymers bond with stains, grease, and dirt to wipe them away from your clothes.

Is OxiClean Biodegradable

Yes, OxiClean is biodegradable. The products used are made from naturally occurring compounds that don’t harm the environment and living things. 

You’ll hear a bubbling sound when washing your clothes with OxiClean. 

This sound comes about when oxygen is released and binds with the compounds (organic and inorganic) in the stains to get rid of them. 

Is OxiClean Environmentally Friendly?

OxiClean is well-known to be an environmentally friendly product. 

While it’s an oxygen cleaner, this product contains no caustic or harsh chemical ingredients. 

Most importantly, OxiClean is a septic system safe. It decomposes into harmless compounds such as soda ash and water when you flush them down. 

Unlike other cleansers, OxiClean products don’t contain chlorine. 

Be assured it won’t hurt delicate fabrics as well as cause irritation on your skin.  

Is OxiClean Bad?

Sodium percarbonate in OxiClean isn’t carcinogenic. It’s non-toxic and earth-friendly. 

But don’t use it on silk, wool, silk blends, leather, or other off-limits fabrics. 

Is Oxiclean Bad for the Environment?

OxiClean is considered environmentally friendly. 

Sodium percarbonate is a safe chemical that breaks down to natural soda, oxygen, and water. 

There are no harsh chemical ingredients in OxiClean. 

However, the so-called ‘natural and safe’ are linked to respiratory irritation, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, skin irritation, and cornel inflammation. 

Is Oxiclean Toxic to Plants

OxiClean products don’t hurt plants or even animals. 

If the statement on their website is anything to go by, Oxygenated bleach is safe for plants. 

But don’t let a cleaner or any detergent run off your patio into your plants. 

Although it doesn’t kill the plants, some contain a small amount of traces that can damage soil fertility.

Is OxiClean Good for Cleaning Patio and Decks?

Yes, it’s a good alternative to use on patios and decks. OxiClean Laundry detergents are preferably eco-friendly than chemical-based ones. 

The ingredients in OxiClean remove tough spills and stains without negatively impacting the environment. 

Best of all, they’re biodegradable and eco-safe.

Does Oxiclean Break Down?

The answer is yes. OxiClean breaks down to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is safe. 

It does so when it’s dissolved in water. 

One interesting thing is that all ingredients break down without leaving any toxic byproducts. The process takes place safely in the environment.

What is OxiClean Used For?

OxiClean bleach comes with many uses such as;

  • Cleaning upholstery and carpets
  • Removing stains, spills, and odors
  • Deodorizing laundry
  • Removing laundry inks and stains such as blood, juice, coffee, wine stains
  • Eliminates mildew, mold, or other kinds of dirt
  • Outdoor use like cleaning patio and decks


The fact that OxiClean is biodegradable, environmentally friendly, and non-toxic makes them safe for use. 

It’s best for laundry and outdoor use. 

OxiClean products won’t damage your clothes, plants, or animals.

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