Guides and Tips

Zero Waste Store legit

Is Zero Waste Store Legit?

We dream of a zero-waste lifestyle – no more large piles, bulky bins, irritating landfills, or pesky tumblers. I imagine the collective impacts we’d make to the environment with these small shifts.  To cut back on waste, the U.S has set the best zero waste stores. But is zero waste store legit? Without further ado, let’s look…

Zero waste challenge

Zero waste challenge: A simple way to make a difference in your life

For some reason, the word “challenge” always motivates me to put a little more effort into lifestyle changes.  After reading and researching how to live more sustainably, I was so overwhelmed with the idea of being able to take on all these changes!  Researching various challenges and zero-waste habits, I was able to not only…

Benefits of Going Zero Waste

7 Benefits of Going Zero Waste

What is Zero Waste? Zero Waste is a lifestyle.  If you’ve found yourself reading this article, odds are, you’re interested in transitioning to a zero-waste lifestyle or may already be well on your way.  No matter where you are on your journey, we are here to guide you and offer advice to getting closer to…

Is Cheese Wax Compostable?

Is Cheese Wax Compostable?

I really love snacking on cheese. And for that reason, I can’t miss out on cheese wax in my house.  Waxed cheese is on-demand today as it is cheaper and available. In fact, most people regard it as a viable alternative to plastic wrap. Although I’m a big fan of cheese brands, my compost pile…



In my earliest days of zero-waste, I was convinced I had to replace everything with sustainable solutions immediately.  Luckily I fell deep down the rabbit hole and quickly realized how counterproductive that would have been.  I remember feeling embarrassed that I thought this was how to become zero-waste!  Zero-Waste living has gained significant awareness and…

Zero Waste as A College Student

Not Your Average College Guide: Zero Waste as A College Student

It was so easy to buy things off the dollar menu in college or get quick snacks from the campus store.  But looking back at all the times I had to make two trips to the dumpster is certainly not easy.  There are many ways to reduce your carbon footprint and live a zero-waste lifestyle…

Zero Waste Home aLTERNATIVES

8 Home Alternatives When You’re Living Zero Waste ( Detailed List Included)

Nearly Everything we do creates Waste, and most of us are guilty of having trash bins in each room of the house, adding to the exponentially growing problem.  To help in your zero-waste journey, we’ve created this all-inclusive guide to take you around each room and offer both sustainable alternatives for products, as well as…

Does Eco-Friendly Detergent Works

Does Eco-Friendly Detergent Works

We all hate laundry days. All of us. Thinking of the fact that over one billion laundry jugs get trashed in the US every darn year, it’s safe to assume that everyone hates laundry days more than ever.  That aside, the dangerous chemicals, non-biodegradable ingredients used by most “reputable” brands are worrisome.  That’s where eco-friendly laundry detergents…

Are Phone Cases Bad For The Environment?

Are Phone Cases Bad For The Environment?

A mobile phone is already essential in modern life. But did you know that over 1.5 billion phone cases are disposed of annually? Experts have mixed reactions as to whether phone casing is a threat to the environment. Truth be told, it does. Phone cases come from non-biodegradable materials. For this reason, I keep wondering; are…

Does Eco-Friendly Mean Non-Toxic?

Does Eco-Friendly Mean Non-Toxic?

Eco-friendly and non-toxic are some of the terms that most marketers use carelessly without knowing.  This has resulted in quite a great confusion among many buyers and consumers of different products. You may have probably seen these terms also used interchangeably as labels on many product packages.  But does eco-friendly mean non-toxic? The answer is no!…